Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Prepare for a Happy Vacation and Stress Free Return

When going on vacation there is a great excitement that is followed by a BIG amount of fear: Will you get it all done before you go? Will you be able to truly unplug? Your to do list seems to grow exponentially and you wonder why you scheduled time off in the first place. Then you often fast forward to all the work that you will have to get done when you get back and worry if you shouldn't just take your computer along to stay on top of it all.
Does this sound familiar? Well you aren't alone. There are millions of women just like you, struggling with this very same predicament. The need to get time off coupled with the overwhelm of what it takes to make it out of town without pulling your hair out upon your return.
Here are a few tips that have helped me have extremely satisfying and stress free vacations. In fact, I've shared some of these tips with a few clients and they have commented that it changed how they approach vacations!
Preparing to Leave:
  1. Remember, there is no emergency so great at work that you can't get to it upon your return. For most of us, our clients and colleagues will survive just fine without us! In fact, I've noticed that by the time I've returned from vacation, most emergencies have been downgraded to minor inconveniences, so don't stress out about something that will be a moot point upon your return.

  2. Have a list created for all the things you need to pack. I have two lists already prepared that are my base line - one for short trips and one for long vacations. They include a list of toiletries, electronics, and print outs that I like to be sure to have with me, making packing a whole lot easier.

  3. Be sure to block of at least half a day for short trips and a full day for long trips upon your return. This half/full day is for you to unpack your bags, do laundry, grocery shop, clean out your email (not answer email just dump excess emails and junk) and sort through mail. It is much better to book this day into your "vacation" time, so that you aren't overwhelmed up on your return.
Coming Back:
  1. Use your "extra" vacation time, to do those things listed above in number 3. This is a great way for you to slowly transition into the "real" world. You will feel better if your life is back in order with everything in its place prior to going back to work.

  2. Before doing your real scrub of email, get out your calendar and see what needs to get done and organize a to do list for yourself. It has been said that emails are other people's agenda and this is absolutely true. Therefore you want to be clear about what YOUR agenda is, before getting to other's agenda.

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